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Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

Definition of Networking

Definition of computer networking
Computer networking is system  consists of computer device and the others that work togather to make a networking.

Definition of computer networking
Computer networking is system  consists of computer device and the others that work togather to make a networking.

Advantages of computer networking usage
      To share the hardware (resource sharing)
      As the media communication.
      Data security.

The kind of computer networking
      Local Area Network (LAN)
      Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
      Wide Area Network (WAN)

Local Area Network (LAN)
Local Area Network (LAN)is computer networking that connect to one computer to the others including one or more place and building closely so that computer can communicate each other.

Type of LAN :
      client/server, networking type that have client and server, the definition client is computer to get a service from the server.
      peer-to-peer, networking type  that give a the same position to all computer.

Picture of LAN;

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN),  is LAN version  that has a bigger as usual and usually using the same technology like LAN but MAN  including the company or town area or having larger area than LAN

Picture of MAN

Wide Area Network (WAN)
Wide Area Network (WAN), has  a wide area, including a country or government networking

Picture of WAN;

Media Transmmision media on the computer networking.
Media Transmmision with a cable.
      sample : coaxial cable, LAN cable, etc

Picture of LAN cable;

Media Transmmision without a cable.
      IRDA or Infra Red  (infrared)
      DECT (Digital European Cordless Telecomuni-cation)
      Standar IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

The devices to connect the computer networking
        (LAN Card)
          Network Cable.

       Server Computer
       User/client Computer

Network Interface Card (LAN Card)
Network Interface Card or NIC is the device that connects computer to Network Card which set up on main board of computer 

Picture of NIC :

Network cable :
Type of network cable :
      Coaxial cable
      Twisted pair
        Fibre optic cable

Sample picture of network cable :

 Data from the computer in the form of a digital signal provided to the modem to be converted into an analog signal. Analog signals can be transmitted through several media, telecommunications such as telephone and radio.Arriving at the destination modem, the analog signal is converted into digital signals back and sent to the computer.

Picture of Modem

There are two types of modems physically, the external modem and internal modem. .

Defination of Topology
Topology is the way to connect one computer with others so that it will be networking

The type of Networking computer topology.

Bus Topology
Bus Topology is the way to connect every node, where every node do their job, this topology has 2 type; Bus Linear and T-Bus
Picture of Bus;

Ring Topology
Ring Topology is the way to connect computer so that it will be a circle formatioan
 Picture of Ring; 

Star Topology
Star Topology is every user system of computer connects server omputer and it doesn’t need to connect with the others
 Picture of Star; 

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