Blogger news

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011


Copyright is a privilege which is owned by the developer and creator of a work or product. With the existence of copyright has the authority have the right to sue any party who sell their homemade products or duplicate without permission from the copyright owner.

Respecting Copyright In using any copyrighted works have moral ethics, the use of copyrighted works must obtain advance permission or license from the manufacturer.
The use of copyrighted works without official permission is a violation of one form, namely in the form of copyright infringement.

Form of respect for copyrighted works:
         Using the original software.
         Do not piracy or unauthorized reproduction.
         Do not modify or alter the program to specific interests.
         No use for crime.
         Not abused in any form.
         Does not sell products or works to others without permission.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are rights which are owned by the creator of a copyrighted work product, including the Software.

         Law of Copyright no.19 of article 72 in 2002, are
         Whoever intentionally broadcast, exhibit, distribute, or sell to the public a creation or goods copyright infringement or related rights referred to in paragraph 1 shall be punished with imprisonment of five years and a maximum fine of Rp 500 million (five hundred million rupiah )
         Whoever intentionally and without right to reproduce the use for commercial purposes in a computer program shall be punished with imprisonment of five years and a fine of not more Rp500.000.000 (five hundred million rupiah)

Examples of Copyright violations
         illegal copying, or unauthorized copies.
         Change or modify the program.

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